who we are
We help translate complex science into compelling stories or create campaigns that inspire the public, government, and businesses all around the world. We are passionate about science, engineering, and innovation. Our approach is to combine great creativity with good strategy. We help our clients to develop clear, focused strategies, and innovative activities that break through the noise and deliver real impact.
Our Services

what we do
Developing focused, integrated, communications strategies that transform your organization or help promote a new project or initiative.
We create compelling content and media campaigns using traditional media and digital channels to reach your target audiences.
We help you to understand, connect, and engage with your most important stakeholders through good quality research, strategy, and planning.
We develop innovative and creative campaigns that engage the public with science, engineering, and technology and help inspire the next generation.
who we work for

what people say

“MatterPR was crucial to rebranding our 100+ years organization and our strategic positioning as a global scientific society. Their ideas helped us maintain our deep attachments to loyal members and volunteers while expanding our global reach through sharp PR that brings humanity and our values to the fore.”
Liz Rogan, CEO Optica
“Their knowledge and experience in working with government helped us put photonics at the heart of the industrial strategy and bring it to the attention of the Prime Minister. Their campaign raised the importance of photonics in parliament, business, and the media”.
Professor Sir David Payne, University of Southampton
“Matter PR created and delivered a media for Photonics Public Private Partnership projects funded by the European Commission Horizon2020 programme that reached over 70 million people in a year, promoting photonics technologies and products to end-users and the general public.”
Markus Wilkens, Photonics21our work
Latest News
Podcast Explores Diversity, Visibility and Intersectionality
Photonics detects brain damage in babies early
Campaign highlights key milestone for Science Cloud
contact us
Clarendon House
52 Cornmarket Street
Oxford, UK