Enabling scientists and researchers to access data and work collaboratively has never been more important than during Covid-19. A new EU-funded platform that will transform how researchers access and share data has appointed Matter PR to deliver a global media campaign. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) -- an open...
Matter PR recently carried out a global media campaign to launch a new national institute and announce Government funding for a series of ambitious technology projects that will transform the way medicines are discovered, enabling the pharmaceutical industry to develop groundbreaking drugs faster, cheaper, and better than ever before. These projects...
A thought leadership campaign developed by Matter PR calls for urgent action to tackle the global spread of invasive species, as the recent Fall armyworm outbreak casts doubts over Africa and Asia’s preparedness to fight the scourge. As part of a campaign for the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI), Matter...
Matter PR recently created a news video and media campaign to raise awareness of the EU project PASSION that harnesses next generation lasers to create light-speed broadband connections and remove the data bottlenecks that could cause the Internet to grind to a halt as demand increases. The PASSION research group are incorporating special...
A new national institute dedicated to bringing about transformative changes in life science through interdisciplinary research and technology has hired Matter PR to help raise awareness and understanding about their work. Backed by over £100 million of investment, the Rosalind Franklin Institute (RFI) will be a national centre of excellence...