Enabling scientists and researchers to access data and work collaboratively has never been more important than during Covid-19. A new EU-funded platform that will transform how researchers access and share data has appointed Matter PR to deliver a global media campaign.
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) — an open virtual environment for the scientific community regardless of location or discipline, through the EOSCSecretariat.eu, has appointed science and engineering specialists Matter PR to deliver a global media campaign to position the EOSC and the benefits it can bring to European & worldwide research.
Following a competitive tender, Matter PR will lead a 12-month campaign to raise awareness of the initiate through trade and international media highlighting the benefits of the new platform to researchers and industry.
Set up to support the EU’s Open Science policy, the EOSC aims to help European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science and give Europe a global lead in research data management.
With open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data across borders and scientific disciplines, the EOSC will create a virtual environment for 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million professionals in science, technology, the humanities and social sciences.
Key features of the EOSC are its smooth access to data and interoperable services and its trusted digital platform that addresses the whole research data cycle, from discovery, mining, storage, management, analysis and re-use. The EOSC will federate existing scientific data infrastructures, currently dispersed across disciplines and the EU Member States.
Matter PR will provide media relations support and strategic advice to help maximise the impact of their EC funding and position Europe as a global leader in Open Science research.
David Reid, Managing Director of Matter PR said:
“Covid-19 has shown how important it is for scientists and researchers to work collaboratively across borders and scientific disciplines. If researchers can share their data, software and infrastructure easily and quickly, science will benefit from greater economies of scale and less wasteful duplication. This European initiative will help provide a platform to give Europe a global lead in Open Science, completely transforming how data is used in research, so we are very excited to be working with EOSC at such a critical time.”
Seeking to make digital assets findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), the EOSC is tackling societal challenges like early diagnosis of major diseases and climate change.
Nicholas Ferguson, Senior Project Manager at Trust-IT Services, said:
“Matter PR will help us reach out to new audiences and promote the benefits of the EOSC to researchers from many different disciplines. We chose Matter PR because they have a long track record of delivering high profile media campaigns for complex European research collaborations and have an impressive network of global media contacts.”
Matter PR specialises in helping organisations translate complex scientific projects into compelling stories which help communicate the importance and potential impact of their work. Established in 2013, Matter PR is one of the only agencies specialising solely in engineering, science and technology.
“What makes us unique is that we are scientists as well as storytellers – the Matter PR team have a real passion for science, an in-depth knowledge of the science and engineering community, and global networks so can help EU-funded research programmes to communicate the impact and importance of their work.” said Reid.